Food, Cycling & Sweat

My journey to eat and live a healthy life!

Posts Tagged ‘shrimp

Feelin good…

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WOW am I tired! Running AND an aerobics weight class? That is simply amazing for me! The sad part is it made me realize just how out of shape I truly am. 😦 But that’s also a good thing because now I know how much I need to work. So lookout gym, here I come!! On the agenda tomorrow: bike to work (without rain please!), and hit the gym on the way home to do some weight lifting!

And so, tonights dinner! Another big fat WOW! Better than last night! Shrimp fajita’s with peppers and onions, guacamole, fresh pico de gallo and doused with lime juice! The key ingredient missing from yesterday’s dinner… cilantro. Did it ever make the meal tonight!

OK, here it is cookin’ up:

And here we go with the final product:

And just because I like pictures today and food is making me happy:

A fruit basket that is actually FULL! And to continue my spirit of trying new things I got myself some red plums because I can’t ever remember trying them. I tried to get some figs (another fruit I haven’t tried) but they looked really bad… 😦 Oh well! Life goe’s on!

Also picked up the current issue of Cooking Light, so I’m hoping for some interesting new recipes to cook. Am I ever having a blast eating clean! OK, that’s about all I’ve got for tonight!

Written by dcwright02

July 26, 2010 at 9:31 pm