Food, Cycling & Sweat

My journey to eat and live a healthy life!

Posts Tagged ‘Cycling

End of day update…

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Today was a great day, probably because the sun is shining for the first time in over a month! I was able to enjoy a nice long bike ride, get some fresh (rain free) air, and see the clear blue sky before the clouds came back which is what seems to normally happen… I also enjoyed a most delicious red bean quesadilla:

In the mix:
1 whole wheat tortilla
1/2 cup red beans
1/4 cup brown rice
Sprinkling of low fat cheese

On top:
Sautéed onions
Cupped lettuce
Sour cream

The beans were slow cooked in chicken broth and tasted great. Maybe a little bit on the carb heavy side for dinner but hey, gotta splurge every once in awhile right?

Dessert was a small cup of plain vanilla ice cream with some chopped dark chocolate sprinkled on top.

And because it was so beautiful outside and my mood was so good (thus the food splurge) I leave you with a pic of the clear skies:

Hopefully we have many more ahead! Good night!

Written by dcwright02

August 18, 2010 at 9:49 pm