Food, Cycling & Sweat

My journey to eat and live a healthy life!

Posts Tagged ‘apple

Good Morning Breakfast!

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I finally tried what everyone is talking about… overnight oats! Oatmeal seems all the rave around the blogging food-o-sphere, like here, here, and here. Final verdict: back to the drawing board. And because I am such a bad blogger, I didn’t take any pics so I will give you a shot of my half finished locally roasted Kaladi Brothers Coffee instead:

Anyways, back to the oats. My attempt was an apple cinnamon (for lack of other ingredients, i.e. strawberries – *cry*) and my first impression was simply ICK! But, try try again is the old motto, so I did. I promptly decided to warm them up over the stove and that seemed to do the trick for me. They were decent, but I think I have something against cinnamon. Either way, when my fridge is refilled with good toppings, I will definitely give this breakfast a second go.

Apple Cinnamon Overnight Oats (for two):

1 cup oats

1 cup skim milk

2 Tbsp wheat germ

2 Tbsp golden flax seeds

2 tsp sucanat

1 apple of choice

pinch cinnamon to taste

-combine ingredients to sucanat, mix, and refrigerate over night.

-chop apple into bite size chunks, combine ingredients in pan, add cinnamon and stir over med/low heat until desired temperature. Serve and enjoy.

The whole reason behind the attempted breakfast is the simplicity of it. Add berries, vanilla, PB, you name it! The possibilities are endless! And for somebody that works at 6:30 am (my loving wife who too often skips breakfast), simplicity is a must in the morning!

Well, I’m off for now to read more blogs before work.

Question: What is your favorite oats flavor/topping combination?

The sun is shining…

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Well today, for a change, the sun is actually shining. Barely.

I think it’s gonna disappear pretty soon. It’s like we’re living in a sunless vacuum on a foreign planet up here in AK. We’re all going to migrate underground around a volcano and use the lava’s heat to stay warm! Anyways…


Today is pre/post workout (yup, I actually woke up in time for a spin class this morning!). So, I had an apple and some water on my way to the gym, LOTS of water while sweating buckets on the spin bike, and now I’m enjoying some oats, coffee and cottage cheese. Unfortunately, my fridge is getting pretty empty and I have no fresh berries to top it with…

Nothing else to report so far… I forgot to get my starting week weight as I was awake late this morning and rushed out the door to get to the spin class. Overall, I enjoyed it and hopefully can make this a reoccurring event during the weeks to come. And also, hopefully the food gets better soon. Beans and Rice… here I come!! 🙂

Which leads to my question: What are some of the most creative dishes you’ve made when ingredients started running out?

Written by dcwright02

August 10, 2010 at 7:59 am

Boo Rain!

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Boo rain! Looks to me like it will be a rainy run today (that is, if I can motivate myself to get up and go!). All this rain lately is getting very depressing, but I guess that is just life in AK right now. What else can you do? Get wet I guess! Or get a wet suit maybe…

Ok, so breakfast this morning was simple yet quite good. Had an apple (my last one) with some almond butter (now empty) and some Kashi crackers.

Apparently I put WAY to much almond butter on my plate and I was not quite as hungry as I thought. 🙂

Oh well, I guess I still have some almond butter after all! Hope everyone has a great Sunday! Mine is a lazy day with coffee and a computer. Maybe I’ll get out to the gym later instead of getting wet outside. Who knows!?! 🙂

Written by dcwright02

July 25, 2010 at 11:05 am